Love you even more…


Hey Girl ,

I love you even more,

and more,

When you are angry,

I just love that face,

That face with a Red tint all over,

Pointed nose, sharper then the normal

Still eyes, with questions more than a kid

Sometimes folded lips, (internally)

With the shrinks of eye brows, quite animated

Love you even more , When you are angry,

You look more cute to me, though I feel bad for making you angry ,

But love to watch that face again and again,

In love with that face of anger,

Love you even more , when you are angry…

The Obsession…

Observing the obsession by searching the same eye contacts everywhere I go..

Observing the obsession by every similar fragrance I smell…

Observing the obsession when I accidentally turn back to look the same tiny little girl with a mild makeup like you..

Observing the obsession when I stare any girl wearing that light pink salwar suit with churidar..

Observing the obsession when I try to talk with comfort with everyone around me …

Observing the obsession when I think about you with a big smile on my face..

Observing the obsession when I stand and see any girl going with her head down..

Observing the obsession when i dream about you at nights..

Observing the obsession when I try to find you on every public platforms..

And observing the obsession now , as I am writing this post about you..

5 Years of Love And Celebrations…

Hi friends, hope you guys are doing good . please stay safe and strong.

Today i am here to share that 5 years ago i started my journey at this beautiful place and i feel so happy to be the part of a platform where i have reinvented myself , i never knew few things about me which i have actually came to know by being a member at this platform ,

i feel that i did the right thing by enrolling my self and mind you this is the only place where i have been for such a long time, as usually i leave the places after sometime may be because i don`t feel the need to continue or i have the feeling of getting bored, but at this place i really learned and developed my skills which were raw by then, there were many people who were better than me from day one , but the constant learning scope and interest is something with which i feel i am better than yesterday but yes still i have a lot to learn and a long distance to travel.

there have been many friends and followers to whom i never met and knew in any form but they liked my work and i really liked their motivational feedback. i feel they have helped me by questioning , praising, and sharing their versions and perceptions.

i respect everyone as they have made me better with every single opinion. yes it has been a possible and successful journey because of the constant support of all you guys.

i firmly believe that the love for this place will only increase in tonnes, and i really want the support and love from everyone in the same way .

i want you all to share your thoughts , complaints, and opinions for me and my posts. and i do want you all to support me and published books in the best possible way. as i feel a bit shy to promote it. but yes won`t mind if you people could do it. and actually have your copy and share your feedback.

i have observed that i am lacking newness in my posts, may be i am outdated now, 🙂

i really want you all to suggest me to become an updated version of mine or the one who is on point with the demands of modern days writing , your suggestions are like gold for me which you comment down or may write down a mail at .

Thank you

R Prakash Rao (RPR)

Thank You is Not enough.

My favorite thing is to acknowledge people for being what they are in my life .

Even though we do it quite often , but it’s not enough to say thanks or thank you to them , this does not end their role played in our life.

As we have grown to certain ages we learn , but we forget the ones who were in our school days they are our real friends ,our genuine friends.

The friends who don’t like you because you are Rich , Intelligent , or you are Good Looking.

They are with you because their soul connects. Their heart says that he/ she is my friend irrespective to the variable difference in Gender, Culture ,Caste ,Creed or financial status.
They just come smile and say” hey hello ! you are my friend !”
And the beautiful journey of friendship starts with sharing of Tiff-ins,Books,Notes and Secrets.
And Gradually the time flies before you even notice that you are actually depending on each.
This is the most purest form of friendship.

The Real Friendship .

The true Friendship without any Hidden Interest and Selfishness.
I am glad that I have a friend like this ,called Anchal Lanjewar (Then) now Mrs. Anchal Meshram .
She is the most selfless soul i have ever seen. She has made my school life quite enchanting . she was there for every next possible thing in those days. I remember When i was going with a very bad patch in studies ..

she took the initiative to teach me and I still feel that I could not have cleared the exams if she would not have taught me.
She got Married last year. She has invited me and how could I miss to attend . the only party I attended after years.
I am very happy for her and wish her a beautiful life .

And I am thankful to the god for giving me a friend like her in my life. she will be always my favorite friend . I have said thanks to her many times but its not enough ..
I hardly make friends but when I make I don’t let them go.

This is just a little way to express my gratitude to you and our friendship.
You will be always my favorite friend Anchal.

And I know you will be there for me my friend forever like you have been.

“And Yes Me Aaj Bhi Dimaag ka Dahi karta hu..”

Thank you so much but this is not enough.

The Fake Truths…

When it comes to make something according to you or me ,

we are very selfish , we do every possible thing to turn the table in our way.

The truth which actually should come in public is always manipulated, As per the interests of the individual it gets chopped , moulded and fabricated as per the situation demands us to present.

We are very smart in making stories which are no where close to the reality which may have some realistic sinkings ,but half or more than half is always been constructed in the way we want it for making ourselves pure and correct.

It is not just the problem

it is actually the need of the daily life in the modern days.

We are bound to make things in our way for being considered as good or innocent.

Its pity but we cannot ignore the reality.

We are accustomed to this tricks in our daily whether its a small offense or a big crime. Whether we are late in our office we never admit that we were quite lazy in the morning we start blaming traffic even we create traffic accidents .

Its starts with fun to get persuaded but later it becomes a life line for us to deal in with the issues.. For every now and then

But I Hope we will know our mistake Either Tomorrow if not today.

Thank you

Magical Journey Continues . . 4th Year Anniversary

Hello Everyone,

It feels Good to be somewhere and look Back at the journey,

It has been a Magical Experience with fun and freedom,

Sometimes High in Motivation, sometimes low in confidence,

something felt like a pass time tool, sometimes like an option to look forward,

sometimes gave me smiles, and sometimes left me in a state of confusion.

Sometimes loved it more than the real world,

Sometimes started sinking it with originality,

Sometimes words felt short to express, sometimes paused to write a single word,

However I want to Thank All of you for being with me in this beautiful Journey which brought us closer to know our personalities , thoughts, imaginations and Creativity.

All you beautiful people from different parts of the globe have helped me to become good and better , actually guided me to feel , observe and share my views on the things I look.

Also I want to say a Big ‘THANKS’ to this platform called which gave me a stage to stand and speak which I could have never able to speak,

I feel we are just in the intermediate stage we have a long run to go, just be with me my friends and let’s experience the Magic.

Spread Love…

Thank You. RPR (Raghupatruni Prakash Rao)

The Sunshine Blogger Award.

Hello Everyone,

I wish and hope you all are safe and fine, Please take care of yourself and of everyone around you.

Okay, so I have been nominated by a good friend , and a very active blogger, Rachana Dhaka for “The Sunshine Blogger Award” , and I Am very thankful to her for the nomination,

she is very good at her work, though I am very late to write about it for which I feel bad, but writing through this Thanksgiving for award nomination.

And yes this is my second nomination for this award. So, Thank you again.

My Answers :-

1. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
May be A Dog, as it is considered as the faithful one, but I won’t prefer to be a cat as I don’t like them.

2. What was the first ever creative effort that you remember really being proud of?
I think the first time I gave speech in my school in front of many students, teachers at very young age (May be 10years), without any preparation has given me confidence, and later it became a habit and soon I have been approached for anchoring, debates at school, college,social events,etc and also coming here at WordPress makes me feel good if not proud about myself for the creativity involved in it to be here and appreciation I received in return.

3. If you could choose between true happiness, or a greater creative skills, what would you pick?
I would be a fool to pick skills over happiness, I am always going to pick happiness even with least skills as end of the day you search satisfaction and that’s only available with happiness.

4. Does politics have a place in the arts?
Yes it has, Though it is a need still to cultivate good politics not the bad one,

5. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
a bad dream, a power cut,and of course responsibilities.

6. Where and how do you do most of your writing?
Always at home, when I have some issues, topics, stories to tell and discuss.

7. What famous work do you wish you had created?
Let’s not discuss it to make famous, let’s do it and make it famous.

8. Is there anyone in the world that you actually hate?
We as human, have different emotions we have love for some and for some we have hatred, its a natural process unless you are a saint or kind of creature, which I am not yet. So yes I have hate for few and don’t feel bad about as they deserve my hatred, though I am not seeking anything bad for them but yes I don’t like them at this phase of my life not sure about future. And yes one more thing, I hate very few but there are many who hate me, but I don’t care 🙂 .

9. Where is the furthest you have been from home?
I just love my home, but yes Delhi, Hyderabad .

10. Would you prefer to wake up early, or stay up late?

🙂 Unsure , As it depends Whether I have some work at night or in the morning. I can do both.

11. Who has been your greatest inspiration?

Anyone and Everyone who are good at what they do could inspire me,

12. If you could give a new writer who was setting up a blog one piece of advice, what would it be?
Just express the instincts, It could be raw , different and unpleasant to some. But it would what you have in your mind, just try and write the original thoughts don’t worry about the people, express yourself make people see your work in the way you want.

13. What is your favorite sport?

Cricket always.


My Questions : –

1. Mention the names of any five bloggers along with their site links who are your favourites and why, explain each individually.

2. What makes you or anyone beautiful human being, ?

3. What could be your second choice as a profession?

4. The Dream You have seen but you failed to accomplish?

5. Your Insecurities.

6. What is the hidden story which is yet to tell to your very own family.

7. How do you relate your life with Bollywood’s characters?


Okay so I nominate everyone of you as I hate picking people, you all can make a formal post or even answer through comments, yes you may answer all the 20 questions.

Guys I am waiting to see your answers.

Thank you

Think About it.

If You don’t try it for the one last time, you may regret for lifetime,

I know you may have seen enough of heartbreaking moments, I know somewhere you deserved a better space in life in every prospect,

I know the failures are haunting you and you are dying in every moment.

This is very painful, this is very disheartening, this makes you feel that you are no more an individual who can live a life with all sort of satisfaction.

It hurts you even more when you become a loser with having every prospect of a winner within, but being the one who never tried hard to change the dynamics.

The people who loose with any strong opponent is always happy than the people who loose with none other than themselves and their own dreadful mindset.

They don’t try , they don’t fight they leave things for someone else or even for god to come and help,

They lack effort not the talent, they lack persistence And may be motivation,

Please find people who need a push to fight for themselves,

they do realize that they are slowly diminishing their dreams and life, but they don’t react at all.

It happens when you or anyone is going through dark psychic passage, or even with those who are not serious in life. Tell them , discuss with them regarding the same,

Help them, make them do it for one first time or last time so that they could never feel bad when they turn back and look how they lived.

Trying , fighting, Putting Your Best even you loose by the report card is far more satisfying than regretting for life for not even trying once though being gifted with enormous talent.

It is a crime, as you are putting everyone down, along with yourself, Try And Try again , it’s more satisfying than sitting and thinking that should have tried!

Think about it.

Good Night

Let Me Find.


In the search of satisfaction I think I lost my happiness,
and the essence of purity
committing more mistakes than corrections,
Losing a day Now,
And Lost a Day yesterday,
And Also lost many more days before yesterday.
These are preciously important Days of my life.
What’s Wrong?
Where I am?
What I am doing?
Why I am doing?
Don’t know
Don’t have any clue.
I am Lost,
I have more flaws now,
Yes  Not Appropriate,
And also weirdly imperfect
How to stop ,
How to fightback
Tell me
I need your help
I really need your help.
To fix things back,
To Swipe out the dirt,
To Find the same space,


And Vibe
Let me find,

The same Person Again

Always smiling and always shinning.


To You With Love…

To You With Love,

Thank you for being there as someone who looked like a family more, being a stranger from day one,

Thank You for the lovely moments with which I could smile back again. Even if i see them as a mistaken excitement or as an unreal expectation,

I still like the answers you gave and the questions which were inherent, the answers were more easier to understand than self raised questions,

Looking something for some purpose is not good, but looking something as source of satisfaction is not bad,

Yes you have been a source,

A source to do good, and aspire good things in life,

You have been the source of fun , anger, worries, happiness and of course inspiration.

Rather say a source of liveliness

Sometimes it is not that easy to accept the outcome if it is not favouring your life ,

It’s painful and disheartening to withstand with what we Haven’t expected.

But we can’t have everything what we want in life .

Living it and Leaving it.

1000 at 2020 !!!

Good Morning Everyone …

Love to all you beautiful people from Different Parts of the world 🙂

So what a positive start to the year, I thank Everyone for being the part of my extended Family, as I am excitingly delighted to share that I have crossed the 1000 Followers mark, and it’s really the perfect way to kick start the year,

so I thought of sharing it to everyone of you, and express my gratitude in the best possible way, it’s really nice to get have a family of 4 Digits,

I am Thanking each and everyone for being with me, I request you all to shatter the same amount of love towards me and my posts, forever , may we have more and more friends and we cherish this never ending journey .

Thank You.


Some Mornings’

Some Mornings, you just want to stay on bed, and you just want to lay there, you don’t care what the clock says, you don’t think about the daily routine,

You take it as a need to feel good, like you never felt of having it, you want to sleep more and more though you actually don’t sleep,

You have the node of listening everything what happens out there, but you prefer to be inside the blanket, sometimes with the folding of legs, and some times with one sided sleeping posture,

It happens more in the winter days where you just can’t bare the mighty cold shivering conditions,

it happens quite often when you are taking leave or it is a holiday,

It is both today, a Sunday and of course it’s winter, I have to say that it feels lethargic somewhere but who cares, I don’t care .

staying on bed inside the blanket, laying not sleeping, listening not reacting, and posting a new post is not that bad as it looks ..

As it is winters with minus degree Centigrades around with chilled breeze, and also Sunday so it is actual quite cool to sleep for some long hours,

the kind of relaxation the body needs,

And in between all this lazy mornings you may even plan your best schedule for the coming hours, days,weeks,and months,

Infact a good soothing music, with the love of your life could bring some unmatched happiness, and unfold some hidden fantasies..

And the ones who are not being accompanied by their partners or are singles have their own ways to enjoy.. 🙂

We are quite different here on being lazy, we have our ways to do things differently,

Some prefer to have phonecalls by being under blanket,

Some can have long chats with their friends, lover, &any other as well.

some are wrapped that they could look scary as well. As a part of them is visible and you have to find the rest like a jigsaw puzzle. The can sleep in impossible posture .

Some can sit but they can’t leave the cushion if blanket, they look bloody cute, they may tap limitless naps as well,they can sleep sit eat and talk at the same time.

Who else like/have such mornings..?



Thank you WordPress.

Dear WordPress And My Lovely Fellow Bloggers, Thank you so much for being with me with all my senseless thoughts and Silly words,

I appreciate everyone of you for being there with me with every single post of mine and encouraging me to do a bit better than yesterday,

it is overwhelming to know that I have surpassed 3years on WordPress,

I can’t express my gratitude towards WordPress for giving me an opportunity to put my views , thoughts and stories a platform through which I have been able to reach beyond the horizons,

yes it gave me the big strong wings to fly and even fly higher.

Thank you everyone

keep all the love coming, and support me in the way you all did so far.

God Bless.

Pray 4 Kerala…

Good Morning friends,

We all are quite aware of the issues Kerala is facing now, with heavy rains and flood kind of situations ,in fact many portions of southern India is dealing with it,

Kerala is in deep trouble, they face it every next time and I read this on s portal that it happens because of unplanned development, landslides and floods occurs mainly because of poor decisions taken for having developments, they discard the demands of nature, they opt for deforestation,rock cuttings, poor water harvesting etc

Anyways, we need to stand by them in their tough situations, let’s stick together and help them , we could help them in any possible manner like offerings charity, donating essentials like food and basics.

If you are good enough then I would request you to share your bit for them. And it could be anything they need food ,clothes, water, raincoats ,medicines etc you may Google it to do it.

I have been following news about it 8 districts have been declared as red alerted. 150+ individuals are missing ,20+ people are died, (Numbers may vary)

Imagine abundance of water everywhere you see and its still raining, you desiring for life to live with your family, but don’t how to survive. Being unsheltered,sick ,and hungry.

It is horrible and tragic.

Same is with Karnataka and Maharashtra, the people who are there are facing trouble as well, in fact the States residing next to the Western Ghats have been declared to have heavy rainfall and may face severe landslides .

Our Govt. is trying their best but don’t why they do it after the occurrence, as I believe “preventions is better than cure”. Anyways hoping for the best.

But Kerala has been the most affected state so far by being the most green and beautiful. And of course my favourite.

Lets do it as a human being. let’s pray for them, let’s pray for Kerala, and urge god in our prayers about all the Kerala people, as praying for the person next to you is also a kind of concern.

Thank you.

You look good when you smile :)

You look good when you smile, 🙂

I see some holes on your chubby cheeks,

Like drilled,

Yes, They say Dimples!

You look good when you smile, 🙂

With some zig zag Pattern of teeth with a little wider lips,

Which you don’t like,

but it looks pretty cool to me,

So don’t need to hide.

Show More , Smile More!!

You look good when you smile, 🙂

As your tiny little round eyes gets closed,

Though not completely closed,

but it looks like closed.

You look good when you smile , 🙂

As you smile without any fear,

And I consider it real and pure,

not fake for sure.

Like the new born baby smile without the reasons we know!!

You look good when you smile 🙂

So keep on Smiling !!!

***Good Night And Smile Please!

I Find You Cute.

I find you cute, seriously cute.

When you smile in between the intense arguments,

I find you cute, when you try to sing sharp with a bad voice.

When you try and match your clothes with mine for every party,

I find you really very cute,

When you ask me to close the umbrella even if i don’t like rain, with a polite request.

I find you cute when you share all the boring stories of your friends,without my interest.

I find you cute, when I see you talking and crying at the same time.

I find you cute , when you play the music of my favorite composer, whenever I am in stress.

I find you cute , when you put your head on my shoulder and talk ,

And in between that you sleep on my shoulder, which is even more cute.

I find you cute when you ask me a kiss on your forehead,

I find you cute with me, this way and also that way ,

I find you cute every time.

As You are Really Cute.

Good Night

Both are important.

Well most of my friends are unhappy with me,

They find me Annoying,

They call me everything what they hate,

They say I am unavailable being available to them,

They say you can’t be like this to us,

I try to convince them,but they don’t listen,

They are Right in their ways, I have to be with them if I am with them,

But I am with my love interest,

If not being next to her always then through my phone,

I feel good for the fact that she feels good when I am connected to her either next to her with holding a hand or through calls or even chats,

My friends don’t like my life style and priority,

But I don’t want to see her sad, as she feels sad and bad when I don’t message or call her and don’t lift her call,

I lie her sometimes that yes you wished me the first birthday wish, though sometimes she is second as my mother wishes before than her may be a fraction of second earlier,

Even if its a lake or I am at some public place I text her, as she wants to feel the ambiance with me and my words. I like it, its not that I am not enjoying it.

But its a cheat with my friends.

She enjoys everything of my talks ,

Even my sick poor cheap jokes, at which no one can laugh.

And of course my way of care,

She just love talking to me,

She says ” I will be fine I don’t need a doctor, you are the doctor and the medicine is our conversation.” When she gets sick.

I Remember that ,

I talked to her through calls and texts for around 20hrs continuously with a charger plugged in, whenever needed.

She loved the gesture, and even felt good to be with her when she needed me.

I have to talk as she my love and I can’t see her sad,

After knowing that her sadness is my unavailability and lesser communication.

But what to do with my friends ,they are not wrong either.

They want me as their friend as I have been,

She asks me to pick one sometimes,

somehow I skip the question with an ice cream or some deep discussion about my career, but i am worried with the picking of one.

I may pick her over them by being a selfish lover but I wouldn’t be Happy with that, I know as my friends are also important .!

Love them and Love her also. Both have their importance but yes one priority is not happy when I am with the another priority.

***We can’t decide who comes first and who is second, of course it’s both which make us what we want to be, so its important to make them understand their importance in our life, one can’t be another and vice versa. Both are differently important in life. It’s harsh and unfair to pick and choose.

Loving Ghost

Yes he kissed her as she sleeps next to him every night,

And in the morning he takes his breakfast with her.

As she loves to cook for him and watch him eating,

He make few cups of coffee which they enjoy with a kiss .

She comes and goes,

she is not scary but yes she is the ghost who thinks and treats him as her boyfriend,

though he told her that I am not the one but she says let it be I like you as i used to like my boy friend,

Also he asked about her that why she is ghost now, and what went wrong with her,

she said she murdered her boyfriend and committed suicide as she caught him with another girl,

And she had been brutally betrayed by her boyfriend.

She likes him because he looks like him ,

but he is single and lives just next to the room where they lived.

And more ever he also failed in love with same kind of situation though he preferred to let her live with him,

So there is a connection of being cheated by their loved ones but both had different approach to it.


She just wears the normal clothes like jeans T – shirts, etc like any other young girl not like the ghosts of the movies,

yes her voice is dual and of course she has some amplitude at it.

And She could smile and cry at the same time,

She likes romantic movies. And prefer playing carom.

She has the most beautiful eyes and even more beautiful smile.

She is friendly to him but he don’t know how to tell her that she is a different spirit now,

he can’t love her like she wants,

Ghost and human can’t be the lovers,

she says one day when the god would be kind enough on her she would happily leave the world but by then he has to be her love interest,

He thinks he don’t have any other option as he can’t find a way to escape also he has generated some kind of sympathy for her.

May be because of her love failure And the betrayal.

That’s it.!!!

Stories and many more!

Ok , so years ago I was too young and considerably a kid, (I am still a kid but not as per physical appearance 🙂 )

So I was a kid about 4 – 5 years and my family took me to school for the very first time , which was more like having new pair of shoes a good school bag few new friends and of course a delicious tiffin box daily for me, in short I was like any other kid not aware of that why I am going to school and all,

so I still remember the very first day of my school, I did everything like a good boy, like well mannered etc ,

my father used to have a moped called kinetic Luna by then,which he still have of course in working condition,

So, I stood in the front of Luna with my choice as I like, winds & hair flyings passing by and my brother was sitting on the back side.

We both have been always in the same class as he was forced to leave his school by my parents and attend my school as I have been the most pampered kid, so he restarted his schooling with me from KG-1 level from a reputed school of the town,

Though we never looked same but few thought we were twins ,but we were not.

So , we three were going it was about 2- 3kms from my house, I was very happy as I was crazy for a bike ride at that age.

Then, The school came, and I was asked to enter the school my brother gone towards the gate and I was still not interested to go,

I said I won’t go my father took me towards the gate and I just refused and did every possible thing like crying and running which may have been like shameful for my dad as all the kids and the parents were looking at him,

he was really embarrassed with that, he tried everything but failed!

suddenly I looked at the shop next to the school and was looking at a cake in the jar, which could be Of 2 – 5 Rs maximum.

my father saw that bought it for me And my brother, I took that and never gave it to my brother, i entered the gate of my school and in the first period itself I ate my tiffin and of course the cake,

and this is how it has been for years. I entered the school like I never had an issue of going , we need something to eat whenever we have been asked to study or to go school isn’t it?

I am still thankful to the shopkeeper who was there and for having that cake.

As it has made my dad’s life easier by then. And even I started going to school regularly as I had friends later,

And I still remember that I used to eat my friends tiffin without sharing them at all 😀 .

This is how it has been for the next few years of schooling till I was pressurized for homework.

Thank you.

OK so let me know should I continue such tales of my life or not.

And yes I shared the same story of my life in the farewell speech of my school, which was appreciated by every other teacher and friends of mine.

Yesterday kids were going to school in front of my house, some were crying and some were eating like they don’t care what will happen at school, so I recollected everything of my life from that portion.

Hope you guys liked it.

Good Day.


After 2 years of her marriage ,

Pia came back to India to stay with her family, so many of her friends came to meet her,

they asked her many random questions about her and husband,


how is your marriage,?

You both are happy ?

How you have been these days etc.

she said yes I am happy as I look. And we are living with all possible happiness.

Her friend (Nisha) said , all good !that’s enough as you have been the most reserved girl from our group! And went to abroad all of a sudden .

Pia replied ‘ yes i have been very shy and reserved.,

Pia asked – What about you, are you still flirting with all?

Nisha replied- yes sometimes for fun and sometimes for seriously nothing.

But tell me about you how good is your life, you are looking different, he is nice to you right?

I mean why you came alone where is he?,

Pia replied ‘ of course he wanted to come but he had some commitments.

yes I can’t tell you about it in details but I feel so lucky to be his wife.

Her friend was not convinced as she can observe that her eyes were saying something else.

She again, asked her the same question in a different way,

” hey your husband is a rich guy , I saw his profile has some good money in the bank and also have a lot of property etc right?.”

She replied ‘ yes so.

Her friend puzzled pia ” are you not excited with that, like money ,property cars etc.

pia replied “yes if it excites you then I am also excited.”

Her friend could sense that pia is missing something, she asked her again and again by some promises and all.

Pia replied ” yes I am married I love him and he loves me, yes he is rich and talented that’s it,

but you know what I feel like i am still partially virgin,

Yes we travelled everywhere but not like a couple , he was there with some work and consignments.

And I was there to make him feel stress relieved whenever needed.

He has been there with me, but not there for me, more for status showoff. To show it to the world through social networking sites.

And you know how we love, it is more like robots following some of the mating commands.

Yes He is a proper straight man and i am also proper straight girl, nothing odd as it sounds.

but the fact is that, he only touched my body and not my soul, and never allowed me to get in his zone of privacy.

We are not connected to each other like we should have.

My body is not virgin my friend but yes my emotions are , my heart is not there when I am with him because he is not also there with me, its more like a task to him or an activity to loose stress for him, that’s it,

he is busy with his cigars and phone ,

he is there but he is not there with me actually ,

he loves his work more than himself. He love me but his style of love is not what I like may be he don’t even know how to love.

He has a time for everything like 10mins for breakfast , 5mins for getting ready etc,

he is a big time management insect.

It’s good professionally.

but not for the layers of love to get unfolded.

But I am happy as I can’t be sad.

***Love is beyond the materialistic happiness. Love them with everything you have,not just posting pictures and buying gifts.

Dear Prabhjot…

Hello friends ,

Today I am going to share some memories of my college days , I think its the end of our 1st semester or so.. I met a person called Prabhjot Singh Virdi very much different from me in swag,ideology, physique and very much similar to me in facing problems.

Though we shared the same Bus for our transportation (bus no.8) we haven’t actually communicated may be because of the fact that we were Choosey in picking people.

But it was the 2nd semester in which I used to go college quite regularly . we have been friends but not after our college hours but gradually people have witnessed that the two boys from north and south have became brothers. Whether Its bus , class ,canteen , cricket match ,social gathering ,college function or even a friendly outing one could easily find us with each other all the time and trust me we have so many issues to solve in our conversation, so many topics to discuss, so many methods of improving our weaknesses so many comments for those to whom we don’t like hahaha.

If someone is in search of him or me he could get the proper address if anyone of us is been asked about the other. We managed our attendance also quite nicely by the virtue of it.

I still remember that I used to eat his tiffin box daily and I still thank her mother for making such delicious paranthas…

Its not that there were no difference of opinions between us infact we haven’t been in talking terms for more then a semester if I am not wrong but it became very small in front of our friendship and I thank him for this…

Trust me I have been his partner in crimes and this is something which I still don’t believe .

Few things never changes no matter how much time has passed I could still remember everything of those days. Thanks for being my friend otherwise that Engineering Would have became more then just boring…

I hope you remain the same bro…I still believe you are the most ambitious person my friend.

We all have that one friend who stays in our mind forever from school and college days.