The Fake Truths…

When it comes to make something according to you or me ,

we are very selfish , we do every possible thing to turn the table in our way.

The truth which actually should come in public is always manipulated, As per the interests of the individual it gets chopped , moulded and fabricated as per the situation demands us to present.

We are very smart in making stories which are no where close to the reality which may have some realistic sinkings ,but half or more than half is always been constructed in the way we want it for making ourselves pure and correct.

It is not just the problem

it is actually the need of the daily life in the modern days.

We are bound to make things in our way for being considered as good or innocent.

Its pity but we cannot ignore the reality.

We are accustomed to this tricks in our daily whether its a small offense or a big crime. Whether we are late in our office we never admit that we were quite lazy in the morning we start blaming traffic even we create traffic accidents .

Its starts with fun to get persuaded but later it becomes a life line for us to deal in with the issues.. For every now and then

But I Hope we will know our mistake Either Tomorrow if not today.

Thank you

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