Recheck Your Choices : Orginal Ones

A Small Piece of Advice to you,
Accept Everything that comes to you with a smile likewise Help people around you or the ones who seek your help.. it will only make you better than yesterday.
Just because you are being asked something does not make you big or mighty nor the one who asked becomes tiny,
it is just to Recheck your choices in life.


The Midnight Love…💞

Lost in a Beautiful lake under the Quenching Moonlight…

Pinching the Visions for searching something Unavailable…

Playing with Eyes to assume the Beautiful shower to feel fresh…

Searching something unheard to listen the soothing symphony…

Whispering with the words to convey the darkness around the dusk…

Want to love you even more with extreme passion in this tempting breeze…

The fragrance of your favorite perfume is flying around My walls….

Every Corner of my room demands you as your smile make them lively….

But you are not here..

And you can’t be here for me forever….

And I can’t say that I am Missing you as you are my Soulmate…

Thank You My Love….

Photo by samer daboul on

W O M E N.

Hello Everyone hope you all are awesome there, just thought to putting my views about Women and society.

Actually They Are empowered enough by birth, they don’t need any other person to help them in any situation, they are able to enough cope with the demands of life in every prospect, they don’t need any charitable support.

They are the support system for many around them, they make the world beautiful with their essence .

They give Birth,they feed ,they nurture, they care, they love ,they teach ,they strengthen ,they sweat to make you what you are,

They are playing every possible role around you which has been given to them by the god.

But besides this our society is still lagging somewhere, may be because we are not understanding their Values, or we are taking them just as a part of our life, we have to look them in a different way, they are our mothers,sisters, partners, friends, and many more.

Every possible effort is essential to preserve their individuality , it is like rediscovering world with beauty, women don’t need any speech or good words about them on women’s day,

they need continues respect for being what they are to you in your daily life, it should be replicating in your actions, saying good words or kind to them is not enough , one has to give the respect and equality to them in terms freedom and choice of life, they should not be bounded for anything,

they need better version of you,and world.

Let them follow their dreams don’t control or dominate them, we can’t empower or strengthen them as they are already empowered and strengthened by god,

yes we can help them to feel and breathe easy irrespective of the Male Dominant contamination.

Feel their Individuality.

Feel the importance.

Feel their dreams and help them to achieve.

You have no right to discard their choice of living.

We are weak we need empowerment. We need strength ,

Women are not weak. They just need your respect and care, and an open mind to understand them. That’s it.

Bring out the Gentleman.


The People,

The Noise ,

The Ifs ,

And Yes the Buts, are always there But You ,
Yes You… Should Always Listen to your Heart….
EveryDay is not going to be good,

And also its not going to be bad,
Avoid, Ignore and Diminish Negativity…

Enjoy, Attract and Spread Positivity…
You are a magic ,

you are a miracle .

You are a music With the most beautiful Symphony.


Love you even more…


Hey Girl ,

I love you even more,

and more,

When you are angry,

I just love that face,

That face with a Red tint all over,

Pointed nose, sharper then the normal

Still eyes, with questions more than a kid

Sometimes folded lips, (internally)

With the shrinks of eye brows, quite animated

Love you even more , When you are angry,

You look more cute to me, though I feel bad for making you angry ,

But love to watch that face again and again,

In love with that face of anger,

Love you even more , when you are angry…

Pure as Prayer.

Photo by Cindy Gustafson on

Pure as prayer!!

Partying with prey,

Not crafted,

Not Decorated,

Just Left by the nature,

To Embrace The Beauty Everywhere,

To make you feel,

And to make me feel That We are not even near to the beautiful things created by god,

As we have a hustle to earn more,Burn More,

To fit in somewhere in the materialistic society,

Which is nowhere to the little tiny beautiful Flurries, with wings.

Very Enigmatic,

And Also Colorful,

called as Butterflies,

Yes they are Pure as Prayer.

Artistically Beautiful!!



Photo by lehandross on


I saw a Dream,

Dream with my open eyes,
With many more layers of love,
for the one to whom I never met,
And never saw,
She was Artistically beautiful,
As I don’t think ,
could ever see a lady of such grace.
With Her Beautiful Eyes ,
More like the Moon after eclipse.
With a Little Sharp nose,
May have customized before her birth,
Lips , like Little Roses layered with Dew Drops,
Soft , Smooth and colorful.
She looked like a Beauty with a Mysterious smile,
But before I could solve it,
She Disappeared.



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The Untitled love…

You know what, one day when you will sit and recall about it , you will be unhappy with your self, as you will see yourself as coward, as you never tried it for yourself and for the sake of your love. You always waited for some miracle to occur,which is not at all acceptable,

you can’t have such attitude, you will feel that you should have took some important measures to prove your love to her, at least a confident confession would have been easy to breathe situation you would feel.

I feel really bad for all such one sided lovers who never took an initiative, they have issues of becoming looser if she / he rejects, they become image conscious, they think they are not financially equal, they think they are not that in good looks and all, but some where some how they manages to love and like, they confess it to the whole world but never to the one they love.

And in the end they see that they are in the loosing side. And the reason for that is their coward behavior.

I always feel that one should fight in the best way till the end ,irrespect of the result, you can’t leave the Warfield without fighting,

There is no point of feeling bad and regretting about it later.

Show some courage you may find the same sort of emotions from the other side as well, and if not just move on with it as at least you gave your best to make your love count,

You can sleep better and live better as you tried.

Don’t opt for an untitled love in your life.

Love with courage to confess it ,

***Loving without courage to express and loosing in the end , is a real shame to the love. Say it with confidence and accept the outcome with smile.

Feel Free…

Just Put the hesitations somewhere in the dustbin ..

Through it…

Dump it..

Destroy it…

Just feel free about everything you wish to do…

Bring out the giggles…

Your hidden Sparks…

Yes your desires…

Feel free to explore

You don’t need to act for the sake of someone..

Just remain the real of yours



And stay alive..

Feel free to be what you are…

Just feel free to live your life…

Without any half measures…

Without any baggage of Egos And Issues..

Oh Dear, feel free to Breathe….


Hello Folks,

Well before writing anything on this topic I think I have to be honest that I am very angry today. And I don’t know how to control it.

In fact I am against of controlling it is a very important emotion. I have my anger issues which has been the reason of my various fights, arguments, failures, etc. In fact I left few of my previous jobs for the same issue. And I think it is very much with me as I treat it as my body part or my important weapon from the armory.

Although I don’t want to use it but it is something which comes to me quite often then not.

May be I am short tempered. But what I have seen that my anger does not harm anyone as it only raises the modulation of my voices and even make it louder so that it can be audible to the person who is in the 2nd street. I feel bad about it . but yes I have to say that I am very much under control of not being violent. Yes I do get irritated and in between I may say something very harsh but the other side is that even at that level I don’t abuse or cross the line in a verbal spat.

But whatever I do I feel bad about it as I think it is very bad to be so bad on anyone. But I can’t help it at that time. As I am not that sense of thinking something to which I feel afterwards.

I may hit hard on something and hurt my self ,it could be a desks, wall or even a my head. Usually I use to punch with my right hand on the surfaces near by or at my forehead.

Sometimes I even damage the furniture stuffs like chairs, tables etc. It is very bad. But I can’t help it.

I have been like this from my childhood ,my mother told me that I used get very angry if didn’t get what I have been promised to get. My face used to get red and it is even now the same.

So the point is it is good to stay with your emotions even it is anger but the way it comes to us it should have some control. How can we control it? More of you is good as I believe in being original .

Tell me something to control it or to manage it in a better so that it could come and go with very ease. Anger issues are there but yes I don’t hurt anyone I have that notch of being watchful even at extreme level so that I don’t use a bad word and don’t get violent on anyone yes in between this I hurt myself.

My anger stays with me and it plays within until it is not burs-ted on anyone.

Your suggestions are very helpful …please do share it on the comment box. As it is not just a blogging post it is my serious problem with which I really want to overcome.

Thank You

Name is enough…

Hi Friends, Hope you all are awesome in every possible way. Today I thought to write and discuss on something very usual but uniquely quirky topic.

We all have being given by some name it could be as per the choices of our family or being suggested by the people around them. They can give you the name of a girl to a boy or the name of the boy to the girl , some may have the names of Fruits,Flowers and Vegetables (Chameli,Nimbu Lal ,Mewa Singh,PhoolBai etc)

And some of us may have the names of our ancestors.

We don’t have the choice of selection so we stick with those names whether anyone makes a joke on us.

But some of like the name we have and some don’t.

Some feel that their name is not unique, and some have the issues of not being a trendy or heroic name. Some may want to adopt the name of their favorite actor or any successful person.

But every single name is unique so we are the ones who create the name.whatever your name is you should be able enough to make the name which world would remember for a long time.

You’re special and so your name is . Names are being created by the individuals.

Every Name has its own identity.

Names are Being Made by us .

Thank You is Not enough.

My favorite thing is to acknowledge people for being what they are in my life .

Even though we do it quite often , but it’s not enough to say thanks or thank you to them , this does not end their role played in our life.

As we have grown to certain ages we learn , but we forget the ones who were in our school days they are our real friends ,our genuine friends.

The friends who don’t like you because you are Rich , Intelligent , or you are Good Looking.

They are with you because their soul connects. Their heart says that he/ she is my friend irrespective to the variable difference in Gender, Culture ,Caste ,Creed or financial status.
They just come smile and say” hey hello ! you are my friend !”
And the beautiful journey of friendship starts with sharing of Tiff-ins,Books,Notes and Secrets.
And Gradually the time flies before you even notice that you are actually depending on each.
This is the most purest form of friendship.

The Real Friendship .

The true Friendship without any Hidden Interest and Selfishness.
I am glad that I have a friend like this ,called Anchal Lanjewar (Then) now Mrs. Anchal Meshram .
She is the most selfless soul i have ever seen. She has made my school life quite enchanting . she was there for every next possible thing in those days. I remember When i was going with a very bad patch in studies ..

she took the initiative to teach me and I still feel that I could not have cleared the exams if she would not have taught me.
She got Married last year. She has invited me and how could I miss to attend . the only party I attended after years.
I am very happy for her and wish her a beautiful life .

And I am thankful to the god for giving me a friend like her in my life. she will be always my favorite friend . I have said thanks to her many times but its not enough ..
I hardly make friends but when I make I don’t let them go.

This is just a little way to express my gratitude to you and our friendship.
You will be always my favorite friend Anchal.

And I know you will be there for me my friend forever like you have been.

“And Yes Me Aaj Bhi Dimaag ka Dahi karta hu..”

Thank you so much but this is not enough.

The Fake Truths…

When it comes to make something according to you or me ,

we are very selfish , we do every possible thing to turn the table in our way.

The truth which actually should come in public is always manipulated, As per the interests of the individual it gets chopped , moulded and fabricated as per the situation demands us to present.

We are very smart in making stories which are no where close to the reality which may have some realistic sinkings ,but half or more than half is always been constructed in the way we want it for making ourselves pure and correct.

It is not just the problem

it is actually the need of the daily life in the modern days.

We are bound to make things in our way for being considered as good or innocent.

Its pity but we cannot ignore the reality.

We are accustomed to this tricks in our daily whether its a small offense or a big crime. Whether we are late in our office we never admit that we were quite lazy in the morning we start blaming traffic even we create traffic accidents .

Its starts with fun to get persuaded but later it becomes a life line for us to deal in with the issues.. For every now and then

But I Hope we will know our mistake Either Tomorrow if not today.

Thank you

For The GENext…

What is the Smallest Change we can do in the society which could be beneficial to Enhance the Future of The Next Generation .

We all have faced and noticed certain issues so far in the society which have been the obstacle of me, you or next to you. Somehow we have either compensated or overcame with that but why we want others to face the same ??

If we can do a bit to the society we may have a new breed of buds and with which we can become even stronger in the globe.

Let’s take a put forward to change the things which are not good by the best of times …

In any form Eradication and Revolution is necessary to form something good and beyond imagination.

Basics Changes for The Next Generation is could be :

1. Education System: we are not that parallel in education in our own country there are few areas which are still struggling with illiteracy and poor quality of schoolings,we are exceptional and horrible as well depending upon the areas so we have to bring literacy in every part of country with quality studies and Competitive Environment.

2. Equality : We need some Innovative minds who can think beyond reservations , because giving reservations to the people does not make them stronger in the society as it has crossed 70 years of Independence and I personally don’t feel that if I am from General category I don’t have the right to feel fair in the country. As this is partiality to the individuals who come from the general category,we have not been asked by god before giving us birth in this world I feel that this has to be changed with immediate effect this has been the strong reason for Unemployment and it is necessary to check whether the individual is actually in need of that reservation or not.

3. Empowering Girls : Well this is the most needed change which we should bring in the society They are equally or even more important than boys in the society as they represent the house of their husband as well as the house of the father. We have to educate the girls and provide them a secured society to feel free and live their life. The more they grow the more they give in return to the society it’s shameful to know that they feel insecure because of the society itself.

let them learn ..

let them fall ..

let them rise..

just try to make them feel comfortable to breathe ,smile ,talk,argue,sing dance,explore and live in the society

we are here to make the small changes for the betterment of them.

We Have faced alot.

But we can Change ….

And It Starts With You…

Life is very Unexpected to us , it has different colors , different phases, and of course different situations to offer us.

The darkness of it is very scary, And some of us may quit the precious life with lesser fighting spirit due to the hurdles ,obstacles and obligatory quotients .

This is the most crunchy period as it shows the real fighter with in us . if we have conquered and surpassed all the tough phases of it with a smile on our face we are ready to taste the sweetness of life And we have been considered as champion.

And if somehow we have not been able to do so but we have been able to fight with stretching our limits we will be termed as a fighter.

But if we have opted for surrendering under those situations then this life will show the other side of it . we will be never able to stand in front of mirror to face ourselves .

so it is always important to fight hard no matter in which way the result goes . we all need to have that fighting spirit within us to show the world that we are here to make changes as per our own choices. And we can make life even more beautiful.

There is always a Bright shiny day after a dark haunting Night.

You are the only one who can make things happen it’s just that what you think and how you stand for your thought.

There is always the first step which matters more then the remaining steps .

Be the change

Thank You

Strengthening More..

Even Crushed,
And yes shattered,

Losing Everyday,
Falling from several heights Again and again.

Also Dumped
Yes Even a little Dismantled..

And scattered Into Pieces..

But Still Fighting,
Yes Fighting To Survive,
And To Get succeed,

Recollecting The Pieces and fixing it again,

I am Strengthening, we are strengthening..

Strengthening More ,
To Defend ,
And also Attack,

Strengthening Again,
To Stand,  survive, And Succeed.

Yes We are Strengthening More..

Photo by Werner Pfennig on


Just a small way to recreate the magic…

With complete fun and humor .

The life will make u feel more enriched with new reason to feel good…

Leave the sadness, darkness,emptiness,  behind.

Its your life and you are the boss .

Few losses does not make you the loser just fight with your problems till the last breathe of your life no matter whether you end up in a loosing way but you will be considered as the warrior .

You are the King and this is your Kingdom

Love & Live .

Enjoy the beauty within you.

You have the spark.

Don’t give up.


The same thing is different when you start feeling it..

The same world is different when you start exploring it..

The same life is different when you start living it…

The same people are different when you start accepting them..

The same problems are different when you start solving them..

The same joke is different when you start enjoying it…

Reload the life by adding a new flair to it .

Everything is possible when you are willing to make it possible. It is very important to bring that adaptivity to withstand and conquer every single hurdle of life.
Just Bring back Life to Liveliness.
Thank you

    This is What Suits You..

    You, Should shine Forever,
    Because This is What Suits You.

    Shine Forever like the Diamonds,
    Even More than The Diamonds,
    Yes More And More,
    Because This is What suits You….
    This is what defines you.

    You are The One who should never be Dim and Dark.
    The Charm Of Your Face should never get faded.
    The Aura of Your Persona should never get Diminish,
    The Beauty of your Eyes should never get Lesser,
    Should Never get lesser at all,
    Because This is What suits You….

    Nothing Can Break You,
    Nothing can ever overshadow You,
    Nothing can ever Bother you my love,
    Just Smile and shine Always,

    jennifer winget

    Because This is What suits you,
    This is What Suits You The Most …..


    Notes for self.

    I left them,

    They will say what they want,

    I have my things to do,

    I know how to do,

    I will do it.

    Let them watch me,

    And my Glory with some fake appreciations.

    I need not to prove.

    I am here for my own good.

    Yes I am doing good now,

    But will do a bit more better than this for sure.

    Good Night

    Beauty of her Eyes

    Site Icon

    Beauty of her eyes has changed my perception,

    Yes it has changed me as well.

    I think i am good enough to feel good about me,

    Yes I can see the mirror for a while now,

    As I feel I look good.

    I look good because she feels I look good.

    She thinks and she says the same.

    I am more positive & poised .

    I have more things to look at.

    My eyes are wider now, with confidence.

    My smile is more happening.

    I am more than happy now.

    Yes I do prefer better clothes,

    As I want to look and praised more and more.

    The beauty is in her eyes,

    as I am still the same .



    More than the world I have my views clear …

    As I know it better than he , she and the one next to both,

    I have my gut feel which is stronger than any evidence,

    Evidence, 🙂 Do I need it?

    I with my emotionally unbalanced state, confess that ,

    Dear I still love you a lot, and it is literally impossible for me to look think and feel beyond you.

    My Every single aspect of life is evolved about you, and it is still around you.

    I may forget the biggest of things, or even the tiny little things at the same time,

    But I am unable to forget you, with or without the forgiveness.

    I am a kind of person who is still pertaining with your memories, in my real world even after years of detachment.

    Yeah it is questionable, it is unacceptable.

    But I have my set of answers and the questions.

    I have my acceptance to the things. So I don’t need any other approval,

    Feelings are stronger sometimes than the barriers,

    Loving you as ever my love.

    Can’t Help.

    God Bless You.

    *** I personally don’t prefer clean shaves.

    Don’t Hide…

    Yes I am happy..

    I like the little cute smiles,

    and the naughty winks of mine,

    I wanted all this to happen for me,

    Yes This is something different,

    its special.

    But still I am not accepting it,

    I am hiding it,

    I want to stay away from this,

    I am staying at some distance without my honest will,

    But this is quite cautionary,

    I am hiding my emotions and the reactive notions.

    I am hiding the cute little love.

    I want loneliness not love,

    May be I am avoiding it with the restricted barriers.

    I don’t think I should love,

    or i need a love story now,

    I am good with the tears,

    don’t want someone to wipe out,

    I am loving this love but I think I can’t love,

    I should not love.

    I hope my emotions are not evident to the world,

    I hope I can hide it well.

    Yes I would prefer to hide my

    My Feelings,

    My Emotions,


    My love.

    *Don’t Hide your Emotions . Love , Hate , Anger, or Happiness just show it , feel it . it is good to speak and sort it out, no restricted barriers should come in between of your feelings and confrontations.